
See information from and create HubSpot contacts right from the ServiceBell dashboard

ServiceBell integration with HubSpot allows admins to quickly view important information about HubSpot contacts from the dashboard, or create new contacts from visitors within the dashboard.

Installing the HubSpot Integration

To link your HubSpot contacts to ServiceBell visitors, go to the Integrations page in your ServiceBell settings, find the HubSpot card, and click the toggle to enable it. You'll be redirected to HubSpot to authorize the integration.

Linking ServiceBell visitors to existing HubSpot contacts

Providing ServiceBell with the email address of the visitor will link it to any HubSpot contacts with the same email. You can provide the widget with their email using the Custom User Identities feature. If a match is found, you'll see information about the contact and a link to HubSpot in the sidebar.

HubSpot Form Submissions

If you're using HubSpot forms to capture visitor information, ServiceBell will automatically pick up form submissions and call ServiceBell.identify with the email and name they provided in the form. Note that this only works with HubSpot's form embeds, not with their Non-HubSpot Forms setting or custom HubSpot form submission calls.

Creating new HubSpot contacts

If you either don't have visitor email addresses available on your site, or would like to create HubSpot contacts right from the dashboard, you can click the "Create new contact" button and fill out the form. This will attach the email you enter to the visitor. If you want to add additional fields to the contact, you'll be able to access the contact in the HubSpot dashboard as soon as you submit the form.

Note that if you are using Custom User Identities and providing ServiceBell.identify with a different email address than the one you create a HubSpot contact with, it will be overridden the next time ServiceBell.identify is called.

HubSpot Contact, Company, Deal Syncing

When the HubSpot integration is activated, all contacts, companies and deals will immediately begin syncing down from HubSpot to ServiceBell. This means you can begin building segments and automations (Journeys, Alerts, etc.) in ServiceBell based off of your HubSpot data. ServiceBell will sync default HubSpot properties that correlate with the ServiceBell object properties. You can view the synced data in the Contacts tab of the ServiceBell dashboard.

Any changes made to ServiceBell objects will be synced back up to HubSpot. For example if you were to configure a Journey that gathered phone numbers for contacts, that data will propagate in HubSpot as well.

Default HubSpot <-> ServiceBell Property Mapping




ServiceBell Attribution

Contacts can be added to HubSpot in several ways. For example when a lead is gathered through a Journey or a visitor is manually identified during a call. There are two HubSpot properties that are created when the integration is activated that track these interactions. These properties can be leveraged to create custom dashboard in HubSpot to track how ServiceBell is affecting your sales pipeline.

Attribution Properties:

  • servicebell_created - True if a contact was created by ServiceBell

  • servicebell_influenced - True if the contact has interacted with the ServiceBell widget in any way.

Syncing Custom Properties to HubSpot

In addition to the default mapping above you can map any custom ServiceBell property to any HubSpot property. The only condition is that the data types match (cannot map a number property to a string property for example).


  1. Verify the property exists in HubSpot.

  2. Go to the Properties Page in ServiceBell.

  3. Click "+ Add Property". A modal will appear where you can configure the custom ServiceBell property and map it to the HubSpot property.

HubSpot Call Syncing

Whenever a ServiceBell call is made with a visitor that has been identified and exists in HubSpot, the call is logged in HubSpot. The logged calls will appear in the Contact's activity feed in HubSpot. The outcome of the call is noted and contains a link to the recording, if it exists.

In the event that a known visitor requests a ServiceBell call and no one picks up, a call task will be created in HubSpot. These tasks will be seen in the overall list of tasks for the HubSpot organization as well as in the activity feed for the Contact.

HubSpot Chat Transcripts

After completing a chat session with a visitor the transcript will be added to the HubSpot contact's activity feed.

Hubspot influence properties syncing

ServiceBell integrates with HubSpot to synchronize various influence-related properties. These properties capture interactions that a visitor has had with the website or with ServiceBell. The synchronization is fully automated and does not require manual configuration. All properties are automatically created upon connecting HubSpot and ServiceBell. The process ensures that the properties are transmitted to HubSpot within 30 minutes after the visitor finishes their browsing session. The properties collected and transmitted to HubSpot include the following:

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